Quiz B - Chapter 3 and 4 of the textbook

Quiz B - on Chp. 3 and 4 - Textbook


1. How do you identify the beneficiaries or heirs in an estate?


2. What does "intestate" estate signify or mean?


3. Who determines the heirs in an "intestate" estate?


4. Which laws cover real estate or other tangible personal property located out of state?


5. How do life insurance policies, joint tenancy property, or inter-vivos trust property pass to beneficiaries?


6. What happens if a spouse was named as the beneficiary of non-probate assets and is divorced at the time of the death of the other spouse? Which Probate Code applies?


7. What does the case Egelhoff v. Egelhoff (2001) hold and why?


8. What is the difference between a grant deed and a quitclaim deed?


9.. What is the difference between tangible and intangible property? and give some examples of each kind of property.


10. What normally established ownership in property?


11. What is tenancy in common and who inherits if one tenant dies?


12. How do you set up property in joint tenancy? and who inherits if one tenant dies?

